MassIPL is grateful for our member congregations,
which have demonstrated leadership and determination
in faithful stewardship of their house of worship and God’s creation.
Current and former members include:
Parish of St. John the Evangelist, Duxbury
Parish of St. Paul Episcopal, Newton
Parish of the Epiphany, Winchester
Parish of the Good Shepherd, Waban
Park Avenue Congregational Church, Arlington
Pilgrim Congregational Church UCC, Lexington
Plymouth Church in Framingham, UCC
Resurrection Lutheran Church, Roxbury
Sacred Heart & Our Lady Help of Christians
Society of St. John the Evangelist
South Congregational Church, Amherst
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Hanover
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Methuen
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, North Grafton
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Wellesley
St. Anne's Episcopal Church, Lowell
St. Athanasius Parish, Reading
St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church, Sudbury
St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church, Wilmington
St. James Episcopal Church, Cambridge
St. James Episcopal Church, Groveland
St. James Episcopal Church in Somerville
St. John & St. James' Episcopal Church, Roxbury
St. John's Episcopal Church, Beverly Farms
St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington
St. John's Espicopal Church, Athol
St. John's Episcopal Church, Charlestown
St. John's Episcopal Church, Franklin
St. John's Episcopal Church, Gloucester
St. John's Episcopal Church, Jamaica Plain
St. John's Episcopal Church, Lowell
St. John's Episcopal Church, Millville
St. John's Episcopal Church, Newtonville
St. John's Episcopal Church Northampton
St. John's Episcopal Church, Saugus
St. John's Episcopal Church, Westwood
St. John's Episcopal Church, Winthrop
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Fall River
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Worcester
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Foxborough
St. Mary of the Angels Church, Roxbury
St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Barnstable
St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Dorchester
St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Newton
St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Marblehead
St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Milton
Saint Paul Diocesan Junior/Senior High School, Worcester (formerly Holy Name Central Catholic High School)
St. Paul's Church in Nantucket
St. Paul's Church, Newburyport
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Gardner
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Bedford
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Dedham
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Lynnfield
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, North Andover
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Stockbridge
St. Paul's Episcopal Parish of Malden
St. Paul's Parish, Anglican, Brockton
St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Beverly
St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Weston
St. Peters Lutheran Church of Cape Cod
St. Peter’s/San Pedro Episcopal Church, Salem
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Boston
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Cohasset
St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Marlborough
St. Stephen's Memorial Church, Lynn
St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Taunton
Sts. James & Andrew, Greeenfield & Turner Falls
Temple Beth David, Dedham & Westwood
Temple Beth Elohim, Green Team
Temple Emanuel Sinai, Worcester
Theodore Parker UU Church, Boston
Trinity Episcopal Church, Stoughton
Trinity Episcopal Church, Bridgewater
Trinity Episcopal Church, Canton
Trinity Episcopal Church, Concord
Trinity Episcopal Church, Haverhill
Trinity Episcopal Church, Marshfield
Trinity Episcopal Church, Melrose
Trinity Episcopal Church, Milford
Trinity Lutheran Church, Worcester
Trinity United Methodist Church, Springfield
Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence
Unitarian Universalist Church of Haverhill
Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading
United Church of Christ Boxborough
United Congregational Church, Worcester
United Methodist Church of Newton
University Lutheran, Cambridge
UU Church of Greater Lynn, Swampscott
Unitarian Universalist Meeting, South Berkshire
Wesley United Methodist Church, Worcester
All Saints Episcopal Church of the North Shore
All Saints Episcopal Church, Attleboro
All Saints Episcopal Church, Chelmsford
All Saints Episcopal Church, Whitman
All Saints Episcopal Church, Worcester
Arlington Street Church, Boston
Calvary Church United Methodist, Arlington
Carter Memorial United Methodist Church, Needham
Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston
Central Congregational Church, UCC
Christ Church United in Lowell, UCC
Christ Church Unity, Brookline
Christ Episcopal Church of Needham
Church of Our Redeemer, Lexington
Church of Our Saviour, Arlington
Church of Our Saviour, Somerset
Church of Our Saviour-Longwood
Church of St. Augustine & St. Martin
Church of the Covenant, Boston
Church of the Good Shepherd, Acton
Church of the Good Shepherd, Dedham
Church of the Good Shepherd, Watertown
Church of the Holy Spirit, Fall River
Church of the Messiah, Woods Hole
Church of the Most Precious Blood
Clarendon Hill Presbyterian, Somerville
Common Street Community Church
Congregation B'nai Israel, Northampton
Congregation Kehillath Israel, Brookline
Congregational Church of Harvard
Congregational Church of Needham, UCC
Congregational Church of Weston
East Congregational Church, UCC
Eliot Congregational Church of Roxbury, UCC
Elizabeth Seton Residence, Marillac Residence
Emanuel Episcopal Church, Wakefield
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
Episcopal Diocese of Western MA
Faith Communities Environmental Network, Cape Cod
First Baptist Church in Newton
First Baptist Church in Woburn
First Baptist Church of Scituate
First Church in Cambridge, UCC
First Church in Salem, Unitarian
First Church Unitarian, Littleton
First Congregational Church, Stockbridge
First Congregational Church in Stoneham
First Congregational Church of Brimfield
First Congregational Church of Natick
First Congregational Church of Randolph
First Congregational Church of Reading
First Congregational Church, Holliston
First Congregational Society UU Chelmsford
First Parish Church in Dorchester
First Parish Church in Taunton
First Parish Church of Duxbury, UU
First Parish Church United Westford
First Parish in Framingham, UU
First Parish of Northfield, UU
First Parish Unitarian Church of Medfield
First Parish UU Church of Scituate
First Religious Soc. Of Carlisle
First Unitarian Church, Worcester
Follen Church Society, Lexington
Foxborough Universalist Church
Grace Episcopal Church, Amherst
Grace Episcopal Church, Everett
Grace Episcopal Church, Lawrence
Grace Episcopal Church, Newton
Grace Episcopal Church, North Attleboro
Grace Episcopal Church, Norwood
Hadwen Park Congregational Church, UCC
Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church, Cambridge
Harwich United Methodist Church
Haydenville Congregational Church
Hill Memorial Baptist Church, Allston
Hope Central Church, Jamaica Plain
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Holden
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Woburn
Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ