Put your faith in action for climate justice with MassIPL
When your congregation joins MassIPL and the more than 255 religious communities that have pledged to put their faith into action to protect creation, your congregation gets a number of benefits:
Access to our experts: Our experience working with faith communities and their houses of worship helps ensure you get the greatest savings for your investment.
Speakers bureau: Our executive director and members of our executive committee are available to preach or conduct educational sessions for your congregations.
Financial planning and incentive information: We can help you find and apply for rebates and incentives that, in some cases, pay for as much as 75% of an energy upgrade.
But MassIPL is more than a membership organization. We are a community that supports each other in our common concern to protect Creation. Congregations who join us not only provide valued financial support but become part of the growing national religious environmental movement.
Joining this movement involves a modest financial pledge, scaled to your congregation's budget as well as pledging to take a series of actions over time in your congregation's environmental stewardship journey.
Thank you for becoming part of this important movement!
Become a House of Worship Member!
Houses of worship are the core of MassIPL. Your support makes it possible for us to help you and all faith communities in Massachusetts to work toward responsible stewardship of natural resources in your congregation's facilities and congregants' homes, and to advance the work of environmental and climate justice.
Click here for our New Member form. Fill it out, have an authorized member of your congregation sign it, and send it to us with your membership donation.