Welcome to Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light!
We face a cascade of crises, from climate emergency to systemic racism to pandemic. MassIPL is working to lift up the voices of people of faith to address these interlocking challenges.
Our task is both daunting and exciting: to inspire and mobilize people of faith to do our part in bringing about what Joanna Macy calls The Great Turning—the global shift from a destructive, inequitable, extractive economy to a culture of conservation, fairness, and reverence.
For decades, MassIPL has helped Massachusetts people of faith fulfill our responsibility to be caring stewards of our houses of worship, our homes, and the earth. As public advocates, we have called our political leaders to meaningful action for climate justice.
We must also tell our stories—stories of suffering, of compassion, of ingenuity, of courage—to touch hearts and incite action. We must spread our message of conservation and renewable energy to more and more congregations throughout the Commonwealth. We must organize people of faith as unstoppable activists for public policies that advance environmental, social, and racial justice.
People of faith are the sleeping giant of the climate justice movement. With your support, we can wake the giant.
Rev. Fred Small
Policy Director
Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light