MassIPL's Faith Action Network for Climate & Environmental Justice (FAN) is spreading across the Commonwealth.
FAN is reaching across boundaries of denomination and religious tradition to lift up faithful voices, build power, and bring real change to the climate and EJ landscape of Massachusetts.
Faith Action Network for Climate & Environmental Justice
In cooperation with religious and secular environmental groups across the Commonwealth, Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light is launching the Faith Action Network for Climate & Environmental Justice to mobilize faith-based activists to persuade and hold accountable our legislators and other decision-makers. Grounded in their home congregations, Faith Action Network (FAN) Teams will reach across boundaries of faith tradition and denomination in unified strategic campaigns for key policy goals. MassIPL will offer training, guidance, and support to the FAN Teams, giving priority to those in legislative districts where religious environmental activism is likely to have the greatest impact.
For more information, please contact organizer Miriam Cohen at mcohen@massipl.org.
If you’d like to get involved in the Faith Action Network for Climate & Environmental Justice, please fill out this form: