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Love.Earth.Justice. 2022
Multi-faith Worship and
Workshops to Make a Difference
Sunday, October 16, 2022
First Unitarian Church of Worcester, MA
This event offered free of charge thanks to the generosity of MassIPL, WCCEJ, and our many co-sponsors:
350 Central Massachusetts
Boundless Way Zen Temple
Boston Catholic Climate Movement
Christian Community Church
CREW: Communities Responding to Extreme Weather
Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
First Congregational Church in Worcester
First Unitarian Church of Worcester
Hadwen Park Congregational Church
Iglesia Roca de Salvacion
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action
Jewish Climate Action Network
Mothers Out Front Worcester
NAACP, Worcester Branch
Religious Action Center of Massachusetts
SS Francis & Thérèse Catholic Worker
Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ
Temple Emanuel Sinai, Worcester
UU Mass Action
Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester
United Women in Faith
Wesley United Methodist Church
Worcester Interfaith
Multi-faith Worship Service:
Approximately 60 people gathered at First Unitarian Church of Worcester on October 16th, with scores more online, for an inspiring and spirited multi-faith worship service organized by Rev. Fred Small.
Combining prayer, song, meditation, reflections from many traditions and a rousing sermon by Rev. Vernon Walker who exhorted, "Climate Change is real. Let's all work together for climate justice!" Our sung reply: "Yes, we can!"
Check out the video recording of the service livestream at the thumbnail video below.
(Order of Service in the YouTube description)
Worship Leaders, assembled above, left to right:
Rabbi Valeri Cohen, Temple Emanuel Sinai, Worcester
Rev. Sarah Stewart, Minister, First Unitarian Church of Worcester
Rev. Vernon K. Walker, Program Director, CREW (Communities Responding to Extreme Weather)
Athene Wilson, Vocals
Rev. Fred Small, Director of Faith Action, Mass Interfaith Power & Light
Rev. Dr. Marcus Hill, Ass't Chaplain to Protestant Students and Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) Ministry, Holy Cross College
Preeta Banerjee, Hindu Chaplain, Tufts University
Rollins Ross, keyboard
Brett Maguire, organ
Michael Herzog, Dharma Holder, Boundless Way Zen Temple
Workshops to Make a Difference:
Following the service, in person attendees enjoyed refreshments and four different one-hour workshop options to help build skills and engagement for climate action and resilience.
Jim Nail, President of MassIPL, presented on Charting a Path to Net Zero for houses of worship and introduced MassIPL’s 24 Questions of Environmental Stewardship that could guide your efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Click to view Powerpoint Presentation.
Fred Small, MassIPL’s Director of Faith Action, and Margot Barnet of Worcester Congregations for Climate & Environmental Justice led a session modeling how to conduct a one-on-one meeting, the building block of community organizing.
Rev. Vernon K. Walker, Program Director of CREW, presented on why climate change is the greatest existential threat to our communities, the need for climate resilience hubs to prepare for the threats of climate change, and how your faith community can become involved in building a climate resilience Hub in your community. Click to view Powerpoint Presentation.
Local activists from 350 Central Mass, Mothers Out Front Worcester, and Worcester Congregations for Climate & Environmental Justice discussed the most effective things their groups have done or are planning to do to advance climate policy at the local level.